UCEP Bangladesh has designed and piloted an innovative 100 hours’ curriculum (13 days) over a period of 3 month under a training course titled “Workplace Wellbeing Management”. This course is part of UCEP’s NUFFIC-NICHE SRHR Project that emphasizes the emotional wellbeing of workers of RMG sector in Bangladesh. The project is being conducted with the technical support of Rutgers, Netherlands, and BRAC IED. To gauge the scalability, sustainability, and financial viability of the business model (i.e. workplace wellbeing management) and to explore whether this business model is improving the physical and mental wellbeing of workers in RMG sector, UCEP Bangladesh wanted to conduct an action research of the financial viability of the “Workplace Wellbeing Management” training module. dRi conducted this viability study while adopting a mixed method approach. Study covered Gazipur, Tangail, Savar, Narayanganj district. Total sample size for the quantitative data was 400 HHs. To develop an in-depth understanding of the process and its impact, 8 FGDs, and 25 KIIIs were also conducted.
Serial No: 23
Theme: Others
Research Method: Mix-method
Partner: UCEP Bangladesh
Starting Year: 2019
Study Area: Dhaka, Gazipur, Narayanganj, Tangail