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SNV is implementing a City Wide Inclusive Sanitation Engagement (CWISE) project in Southern Bangladesh under the leadership of Local Government Institutions (City Corporations and Municipalities). The main objective of the project is to demonstrate a city-wide, pro-poor, accountable, safe and sustainable faecal sludge management services for the urban context in Bangladesh, showing improvement in the living environment and contributing to the health and well-being of the urban population. The research project aimed to assess the capacity development status, desire results, understand whether result chain is working and if project interventions are helping to deliver on its long term objectives. Datasets were collected based on the Performance Monitoring indicators which are derived in order the measure the progress towards the objective of the program. The study adopted a mixed method approach where both quantitative and qualitative method were used. Study covered Khulna City Corporation, Jhenaidah and Kushtia Paurashavas where the project has been implemented. Total sample size was quantitative inter7488 HH questionnaire, 240 education institute, 5 operator, 24 FGDs, 4 KIIs & census for public place survey, 52 Groundwater depth and soil type survey.

Serial No: 26

Theme: Health and Sanitation

Research Method: Mix-method

Partner: SNV Netherlands Development Organization

Starting Year: 2019

Study Area: Khulna, Jhenaidah, Kushtia