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The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is one of the world’s leading humanitarian relief and development organizations. The objective of the baseline KAP assessment is to understand the knowledge, attitudes and practices within the refugee and host communities related to Sexual and Reproductive Health, and Women’s Protection and Empowerment, targeting both refugee and surrounding host communities. The study adopted a mixed method approach where both quantitative and qualitative method were used. Study covered both Rohingya refugee and host community people from Ukhia and Teknaf Upazila of Cox’s Bazar district. Total sample size was 816 HH survey, 12 KIIs, 12 FGDs and 4 Case Studies.

Serial No: 28

Theme: Migration and Human Rights

Research Method: Mix-method

Partner: International Rescue Committee, Inc (IRC)

Starting Year: 2019

Study Area: Cox's Bazar