In the Girls Alliance Advocacy (GAA), Plan Nederland (lead), Defense for Children-ECPAT Nederland and Terre des Hommes Nederland have joined hands to fight violations of rights that affect girls and young women. The purpose of this baseline study was to provide an information base against which to monitor and assess the programme’s progress and effectiveness and the degree and quality of change during its implementation. The overall objective of this baseline study was to contribute to the production of baseline report on the Girls Alliance Advocacy (GAA) Programme in Bangladesh.
The study was administered with a specific objective to fill out the gaps in the context analysis of the GAA programme areas and to carry out data collection on missing baseline information on outcomes and impact, including through case stories on girls that are potential beneficiaries of the GAA programme in Bangladesh. This baseline study involved two case studies to collect data at impact level. Case studies were locations where the GAA had some significant local project/activity.
Serial No: 87
Theme: Gender Rights and Violence
Research Method: Mix-method
Partner: ECORYS, Netherland
Starting Year: 2016
Study Area: Rangpur, Nilphamary