Ensuring public services to the citizen efficiently and effectively is very crucial for development of a nation. In Bangladesh, the performance of delivering the public services is a bit weak specially for the financially and socially disadvantaged group of people. Therefore, Government of Bangladesh is trying to simplify the public service delivery and improve the lives of citizens with citizen-centric public service innovation by increasing transparency, improving governance and reducing the time, difficulty and costs of obtaining government services. For this reason, a2i program decided to launch a KYC project to understand the behaviors of the customers, to identify the level of satisfaction and the changes after receiving the redesigned services and to verify the suitability of the service. This will help the implementation authority by providing the right direction to develop the guidelines and service modules. The KYC will also help to address the need of the citizens and redesign the right services according to the public need by developing the capacity of the government organizations. Delivering public services by ensuring the satisfaction of the citizen is an important challenge confronted by governments everywhere in the modern world. With this initiative, a2i program will try to deliver efficient and equitable public services across the entire country.
At the onset of the project, a2i awarded dRi to administer a baseline research study with the objectives to find out the effectiveness, reliability, efficiency and inclusiveness of five government services which are MyGov, Grievance Redressal System for Social Safety Net Programs- Widow Allowance, Utility Bills (Gas/Water/Electricity), Social Safety Net Programs- Widow Allowance, Government to Business Service (Trade License). The aim of this baseline survey was to understand the primary condition of the KYC initiative. The objectives also included the planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the KYC initiative; identifying the base value of the set indicators and also providing recommendations for future program implication. In order to fulfill the objectives, dRi conducted 3072 HH Surveys, 12 KIIs, 16 IDIs, 08 FGDs, 16 Observations, 04 Case studies across the 08 divisions of the country.
Serial No: 234
Theme: Governance and Legal Issues
Research Method: Mixed method
Partner: Aspire to Innovate (a2i)
Starting Year: 2022
Study Area: 16 districts of 08 divisions