Sponsorship funded Shishuder Jonno (SJ) Program is an Integrated Child Development Program (ICDP), which has been implementing at Meherpur district in a rural setting and at Rayer Bazar slum & Chad Uddan slum areas as an urban setting. The program’s goal is stated as ‘Children Learn and Developto their Full Potential’. The target group is from birth to eighteen years following a ‘life cycle approach’.
The program has five core components namely a) Early Childhood Care & Development (ECCD) b) Basic Education (BE) along with ICT in education c) School Health & Nutrition (SHN) d) Maternal Newborn Child Health and Nutrition (MNCHN) & e) Adolescent Development (AD) and another 2 non-core component namely a) Child Protection (CP) and b) Child Rights and Governance (CRG) as well as 2 cross-cutting component namely a) Community Mobilization and b) Gender.
The ‘Shishuder Jonno’ program has been working in Meherpur for last 9 years and the program has reached to the stage to initiate Phase-out from Meherpur district and phase in to a new rural Impact Area in Barisal district. “Shishuder Jonno” program has decided to work in three upazilas (sub-districts) in Barisal district, namely: Bakerganj, Muladi and Babuganj, and these three upazilas was defined as the new sponsorship program impact area.
A comprehensive situational study was done in Barisal in September 2017. As the next step, we are planning to conduct a baseline study for the program in this new program impact area in Barisal. The total beneficiaries of this program is approximately 628,981 (children and caregivers).
Serial No: 44
Theme: Education
Research Method: Quantitative
Partner: Save the Children
Starting Year: 2018
Study Area: Barisal