The University of Amsterdam, and Development Research Initiative (dRi) agreed to carry out research activities, within the framework of the Child Marriage Alliance (‘Her Choice’ – HC) and, specifically, the AISSR/UvA research component. The Alliance is constituted by the University of Amsterdam, Stichting Kinderpostzegels (SKN, the main applicant), The Hunger Project (THP) and International Child Development Initiatives (ICDI) and is financed by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. dRi had delivered a cleaned datasets with qualitative survey data transcribed and translated into English, completed transcriptions of four (4) FGDs translated into English, and completed qualitative data matrices in English (matrix outlines to be sent by AISSR).
Serial No: 88
Theme: Gender Rights and Violence
Research Method: Mix-method
Partner: The University of Amsterdam
Starting Year: 2016
Study Area: Kishorgonj, Jessore