This research seeks to create policy relevant knowledge about how climate change impacts on the livelihoods and living conditions of poor urban people and communities in Bangladesh. It looked closely at how the urban poor are adapting to this increased vulnerability and at the ways in which public institutions and market forces help and/or hinder their strategies. As part of this research dRi played the role of collecting data (biography, photographs, sketches, interviews, existing reports) on cyclone shelters and cyclone resistant dwellings, evolution of Sadeq Khan Settlements, adaptation benefits to low-income tenants in Dhaka from male versus female landlords, selected interviews of consultants involved in the Dhaka Detailed Area Plan preparation and collection of further details on how drainage problems were solved in Rupshaghat, Beltola and Motijharna settlements
Serial No: 138
Theme: Poverty and Vulnerability
Research Method: Mix-method
Partner: The University of Manchester
Starting Year: 2013
Study Area: Dhaka