SNV Netherlands Development Organization is an international development organization with its head office in The Hague, The Netherlands. SNV is presently working in more than 30 Countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa. SNV Bangladesh is registered with NGO Affair’s Bureau since 2006. SNV has been working in Bangladesh in the sectors of agriculture, renewable energy and WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene). SNV initiated WASH SDG program works towards an improved WASH situation for all. The organization uses an integrated approach and ensure that facilities and services are sustainable, climate resilient, gender sensitive and socially inclusive. This study has been conducted to gather the data on the existing faecal sludge management (FSM) situation in the program areas. The specific objective of the study is but not limited to understand the FSM situation to provide an information base against which to monitor and assess an activity’s progress and effectiveness during implementation and after the activity is completed.
Serial No: 50
Theme: Health and Sanitation
Research Method: Quantitative
Partner: SNV Netherlands Development Organization
Starting Year: 2018
Study Area: Jessore.