Development research Initiative(dRi) in association with Development Solutions Consultant Limited (DSCL) performed a key activity for the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for Construction of EATL Innovation Hub at Kaliakair, Gazipur with the proposal of finding the best options with financially and economically viable innovation lab construction. In order to prepare ESIA fdRi jointly with Development Solutions Consultant Limited (DSCL) carried out preliminary Baseline Environmental and Social survey in the project influenced area and prepared ESIA report. dRi and DSCL also managed approval from GOB for funding and obtaining Location Clearance Certificate (LCC), Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) from Department of Environment (DoE) as well as other necessary clearance for the innovation lab construction.
The Environmental Study included the assessment of the positive and negative impacts as well as an Environmental & Social Management Plan (ESMP). For the study along with the impact assessment, there were quality testing, modeling on air & noise, and assessment of various environmental parameters around the project area viz. air quality, noise quality, groundwater quality, surface water quality, soil quality etc.
Serial No: 193
Theme: Environmental Socia Assessment and Management
Research Method: Quantitative
Partner: Ethics Advance Technology Limited (EATL)
Starting Year: 2021
Study Area: Gazipur