Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB) has undertaken extension and construction of new transmission lines and substations in the western zone of Bangladesh through the project – “Improvement of Power Transmission in the Western Zone”. As per the project requirement land has been acquired for the substations that has impacted the land owners and the land users of the identified land parcels for each substation locations; land owners and land users also be impacted due to the erection of the transmission towers and stringing of the transmission lines.
The land acquisition for the substations have been undertaken as per the National Law (ARIPO) and the transmission lines will be constructed complying to the Bangladesh Electricity Act, 1910 and The Telegraph Act, 1885. The project is required to comply with World Bank safeguard standards – precisely World Bank Operational Policy (WB OP 4.12) for land acquisition, compensation process, resettlement and other social safeguard related issues. In this regard dRi carried out the task of census and socio-economic survey of the project affected persons (both land owners and land users) for the project (Substation locations and TL tower locations).
Serial No: 53
Theme: Environmental Socia Assessment and Management
Research Method: Quantitative
Partner: ERM lndia Private Ltd
Starting Year: 2018
Study Area: Jhinaidha, Pabna