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The agrarian economy of Bangladesh is heavily dependent on the heavy rainfall and aquifer recharge during the monsoon season. At the same time, excessive rainfall and flooding affects lives and livelihoods of vulnerable communities every year during the monsoon season. With climate change, these flooding events have become more frequent and more intense, resulting in devastating impacts on these communities. The 2020 monsoon flood for example, was recorded as the second-highest level of flooding since 1989 and the second longest since 1998, affecting around 5.5 million people. In order to enhance the resilience and adaptive capability of these communities, the government along with private and international humanitarian aid organizations, have repeatedly adopted several initiatives within the disaster management framework.
Disaster management in Bangladesh involves a comprehensive approach encompassing 4 components namely- preparedness, anticipatory action, response, and recovery.  These include relief and rehabilitation activities, building of flood shelters, provision of cash grants etc. Cash assistance is expected to be particularly helpful when provided before the flooding events as it potentially assists the flood susceptible communities to take preparatory actions to protect themselves as well as prevent them from having to borrow money at high interest rates or to sell valuable items. This program concerns anticipatory action of providing cash money to vulnerable households before and after the events of monsoon flooding. In order to select and register vulnerable households within the program, GiveDirectly has hired dRi to carry out a household census, pre-enrollment and longer baseline survey in 4 vulnerable districts in the Jamuna River basin.


Serial No: 270

Theme: Environmental and Climate Issues

Research Method: Quantitative

Partner: Give Directly

Starting Year: 2024

Study Area: 23 unions of Sirajganj, Jamalpur, Gaibandha and Kurigram district