In order to tackle the high rate of Violence against Women (VAW) and Gender Based Violence (GBV), the Government has taken various measures to tackle the situation including enacting a number of laws to criminalize violence against women. In addition to legislation, the Government has also developed the Seventh Five-Year Plan and the National Women Development Policy to empower women and girls. The Ministry of Women and Children Affairs (MoWCA) also developed a National Action Plan to prevent Violence Against Women and Children (NAPVAWC) for 2013-2025. In 2018, MoWCA with technical support from development partners through the LCG-WAGE, coordinated by UNFPA, revised the existing NAP-VAWC for 2018-2030, this has created an opportunity for the development of a monitoring and evaluation framework and budget. The Ministry of Women and Children Affairs (MoWCA) is a longstanding partner of UNFPA and requested UNFPA to provide further technical support to develop a monitoring and evaluation framework and budget for the revised action plan on VAW. Therefore, UNFPA assigned Development Research Initiative (dRi) to develop the monitoring and evaluation framework, including budgeting of the new national action plan.
Serial No: 33
Theme: Gender Rights and Violence
Research Method: Qualitative
Partner: UNFPA Bangladesh
Starting Year: 2019
Study Area: Dhaka