BRAC Maendeleo Tanzania (BRACMT) has been implementing the Girls Education Challenge (GEC) project since 2013 to address the barriers of girls’ education and improve the life chances of marginalized girls in Tanzania. This study aims to find out the impacts of girls’ study clubs on outcomes of interest (i.e. outcomes outlined in the log-frame) amongst eligible girls in targeted communities and amongst the club participant, the variation in participation and impact if the households of these girls make voluntary financial contributions for the clubs, if there is a trade-off between ensuring sustainability of the program and its take-up (and effectiveness) and whether the program have any unintended consequences on, for example, participating girls’ peer groups (including boys) or teachers’ efforts in the classroom. The endline study is supposed to be conducted through learning assessment and household survey in the project’s operation areas: DSM, Tabora, Singida, Shinyanga, and Mwanza.
Serial No: 92
Theme: Education
Research Method: Quantitative
Partner: BRAC Maendeleo Tanzania
Starting Year: 2016
Study Area: International, Tanzania