WFP Bangladesh, under its food and nutrition assistance mandate has been implementing an emergency response to address food insecurity and increase food and nutrient intake adequacy, particularly for most vulnerable groups like children under five and pregnant and lactating women among Rohingya Refugees. It is noticed that more and more food supplements, particularly packets of SuperCereal Plus are ending up for sales in the market instead of being utilized by the eligible households. WFP conducted a formative research to understand the dynamics at play in food choices and food supplement sales among food assistance and nutrition beneficiaries in Cox’s Bazar refugee camps, including the role of traders and other “market” player. The formative study was conducted entailing various data collection tools namely KII, FGDs, Structured Observation, PRA methods including Constraints Analysis (Problem tree & solution), Stakeholder analysis etc.
Serial No: 186
Theme: Rohingya Crisis
Research Method: Qualitative
Partner: WFP
Starting Year: 2020
Study Area: Cox's Bazar