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The purpose of this consultancy was to conduct a Gender and Human Rights Analysis (GHRA) to generate data on the barriers which influence the uptake of positive nutrition practices and access to health care by pregnant and lactating women (who may also be adolescents) and caregivers of children under 5 within the host communities of Cox’s Bazar. With this purpose, Nutrition International (NI) awarded dRi to identify gender equality and human rights issues (including gender-based violence) relevant to the access to healthcare and uptake of essential nutrition services in Cox’s Bazar for women, men, adolescent girls and boys, and gender-diverse people. dRi conducted 15 IDIs, 15 KIIs, 45 FGDs and 06 Observations across the 9 Upazilas in Cox’s Bazar district including Chakaria, Cox’s Bazar Sadar, Eidgaon, Kutubdia, Maheshkhali, Ramu, Teknaf, Pekua and Ukhia. Through this study dRi found out the multiple and intersecting identities of women and men in Cox’s Bazar and assess the resulting gender and human rights barriers that create experiences of exclusion and vulnerability, affecting their ability to access and benefit from Social Safety Protection programs and provided recommendations for developing short- and long-term strategies for promoting gender equality and empowerment of girls and women throughout the implementation of the project with direct support of Nutrition International gender technical team.

Serial No: 239

Theme: Gender Rights and Violence

Research Method: Qualitative

Partner: Nutrition International

Starting Year: 2022

Study Area: Cox’s Bazar