The long-term goal of the ‘Her Choice’ program for the period 2016-2020 is ‘to support the creation of child marriage free communities in which girls and young women are free to decide if, when and whom to marry.’ The objective of this Endline study is to understand progress and measure results for program outputs, outcomes and impacts, provide formative input for further refining of the focus for interventions, serve a comparative purpose (between countries) and provide basis for defining realistic targets for the outcome indicators at local, country and alliance level. The study adopted a mixed method approach where both quantitative and qualitative method was used. Study covered Kishorganj and Jessore districts where Her Choice project has been implemented. For the quantitative survey, the total sample size is 600 HHs, 600 girls, and village leaders from 8 villages. In addition to that, 8 FGDs were conducted to develop an in-depth understanding of the situation.
Serial No: 5
Theme: Gender Rights and Violence
Research Method: Mix-method
Partner: The University of Amsterdam
Starting Year: 2020
Study Area: Kishorgonj, Jessore