In order to assess the impact of School Feeding Program (supported by the World Food Program) in Bangladesh and its performance and to make policy recommendations from the sustainability perspectives, CPD conducted the study titled “How Effective is the School Feeding Program (SFP) in Improving Educational Outcomes of Primary Students in Bangladesh? An Empirical Investigation”. The study was followed by an integrated research approach that includes both qualitative and quantitative tools and techniques. All data collected through the assessment were dis aggregated by location, age and sex. Data were collected by for both the treatment and control groups and related variables before and after the school feeding program. The evidence generated through this research would strengthen the empirical basis on which the GoB and development partners can make informed policy choices to refine the SFP in order to realize the higher benefits from the investments.
Serial No: 181
Theme: Food Security and Nutrition
Research Method: Qualitative
Partner: CPD
Starting Year: 2020
Study Area: Cox's Bazar