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The project, titled “Impact Assessment of the Dissemination of Genetically Improved ‘Generation 3’ or ‘G3’ Rohu,” appointed Development Research Initiative (dRi) to participate in this impact assessment. The project was implemented by WorldFish, and this study sought to collect data required to understand the impact of the release of G3 Rohu among farmers in Northwest and Southwest in Bangladesh. dRi’s role was data collection through household surveys according to the schedule outlined by the impact assessment study. The expected activities included reviewing project documents and reports provided by WorldFish and project implementation partners, carrying out data collection with a sample size of up to 1,500 pre-evaluation surveys, digitalizing closed-ended questions from focus group discussions, summarizing responses from open-ended questions, and providing full transcripts and translations.

The sample size included 6 focus group discussions, 1,000 impact assessment surveys, and 1,500 pre-evaluation surveys. Furthermore, dRi was responsible for digitalizing, translating, and testing household level questionnaires for both pre-evaluation and impact assessment surveys. They ensured coding input validation rules, such as data type, logical context, and cross-validation, to maintain data integrity. dRi played a crucial role in collecting essential data for the impact assessment study, contributing to the understanding of the effects of G3 Rohu among farmers in Bangladesh.

Serial No: 251

Theme: Food Security and Nutrition

Research Method: Mixed Method

Partner: WorldFish

Starting Year: 2023

Study Area: Northwest and Southwest in Bangladesh