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This study was initiated by the Social Development Foundation (SDF)  as part of their Nuton Jibob Livelihood Improvement Project (NJLIP), supported by the World Bank. The NJLIP is being implemented in 12 districts with relatively higher poverty rates in Bangladesh since 2015 and was expected to end in 2020. The core objective of this project is to improve livelihoods of the poor and extreme poor. The project has covered over 2,500 villages to reach around 2.25 million from approximately 500,000 households.
A survey was conducted between in mid-October of 2020 for this study covering three distinct categories of households that were identified to meet the two objectives of measuring impact sustainability and comparing potential beneficiaries of new districts. Since a high-quality panel survey is available from the mid line evaluation, we sampled respondents from the mid line survey for two categories – beneficiary households and a control group. Phone interviews were conducted to collect data from 1,408 respondents who reported about their household situation in terms of income and employment dynamics during COVID period, current food security status and household expenses, health status of household members, changes in savings and credit to cope with income loss, and supports received from different SSN interventions. The sample consists of three groups namely beneficiaries (703), control households (355), and poor households from “new sites” (355).


Serial No: 182

Theme: COVID-19 Pandemic

Research Method: Quantitative

Partner: SDF

Starting Year: 2020

Study Area: "Kishoreganj district Magura district Rajshahi district Kurigram"