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As the successor of the emergency response programme after the incident of Rana Plaza collapse in 2013, the second phase of the Improving Working Conditions in the Ready-Made Garment Sector Porgramme of the International Labour Organization (ILO) came into the scene. The first phase of the ILO/RMGP supported a major reform process that has helped significantly strengthen Department of Inspections for Factories and Establishments (DIFE) so that it can perform its regulatory role in a more efficient, credible and accountable manner. In the second phase, the programme is intended to improve the institutional capacity of DIFE and enhance effectiveness of their activities to deliver DIFE services to its intended users in simple and concise manner. At this stage, programme is considering designing a series of advocacy and campaigns in order to increasing user’s awareness on and utilization of available DIFE services. In this regard RMGP II requires to conduct a pre-campaign KAP study to analyze prior knowledge of employers and workers on the DIFE services including issuance of new license and renewal of licenses, complaints management system (CMS) and accident reporting. This pre-campaign KAP study will provide baseline data as well as help measure the impact of campaign-related activities in the future. The study adopts a mixed method approach where both quantitative and qualitative method will be used. Total sample size is 1600 interview (survey) and 39 KIIs.

Serial No: 6

Theme: Governance and Legal Issues

Research Method: Mix-method

Partner: International Labour Organization (ILO)

Starting Year: 2020

Study Area: Cox's Bazar