This is a project for reviewing BLAST’s monitoring and evaluation framework, including strategies, tools and indicators in order to develop a cross organizational result-based M&E framework. dRi was responsible for developing a framework for monitoring and evaluation of the outcomes and impact of initiatives for law, policy and institutional reform, including public interest litigation. dRi has contributed into developing a case-study format for advocacy campaigns run by BLAST, including its public interest litigations component. The case-study format included contextual framework (social, economic and political context, as well as location of beneficiaries), identification of successful/unsuccessful strategies, identification and impact of collaboration as a contributor to an outcome/impact, stakeholder analysis, timeline analysis, key challenges and lesson learnt, and an evaluation of the outcome/impact itself.
Serial No: 135
Theme: Governance and Legal Issues
Research Method: Qualitative
Partner: BLAST
Starting Year: 2014
Study Area: Dhaka