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There is no substitute of reading in order to increase the knowledge of children about their surroundings as well as to improve their critical thinking, literacy and numeracy outcomes. In order to habituate children will reading it is very crucial to develop books in their own language with interesting characters, themes, and contexts that reflect their daily lives. Moreover, we are living in the era of digitalization where everything around us is going digital and the digital world is witnessing rapid expansions in terms of knowledge sharing. Keeping these facts in mind, The Asia Foundation (TAF) has introduced its innovative Let’s Read initiative in Bangladesh with a goal to promote reading and improve education outcomes of primary school children. Let’s Read is a new initiative that draws on The Asia Foundation’s deep expertise and networks in communities across Asia to cultivate the skills of local authors and illustrators while building Asia’s only free digital library for children. With an online based platform, Let’s Read initiative is facilitating children with books on different interesting contents and its purpose is to increase inclusivity by making creative and animated books available and accessible for children online.
At the onset of the “Let’s Read Bangladesh” project, The Asia Foundation awarded dRi to administer an Online Consumer Behavior Research targeting parents, teachers and students of Dhaka metropolitan city. dRi conducted 544 Surveys, 13 KII, 10 Observation, 50 Daily diary in order to identify the challenges or bottlenecks to reach the goal of “Let’s Read Bangladesh” project. Based on the findings of the research, TAF developed intervention strategies accordingly.

Serial No: 237

Theme: Education

Research Method: Mixed Method

Partner: The Asia Foundation

Starting Year: 2022

Study Area: Dhaka