This study focused on investigating potential gender biases in the workplace, specifically with regard to “paternalistic discrimination” in the hiring process for night shift jobs. Additionally, the study aimed to determine if employers were not hiring women for night shift jobs due to concerns about their safety and well-being. To conduct this research, two hiring experiments were used which included the real applicants and employers. The study also recruited up to 4,000 workers through job-hunting websites and universities. The applicants participated in a survey, two Excel tests, and potentially a job. They were compensated between BDT 50-650 and randomized in one of two treatments: promotion rate and safe transport. The study cross-randomized the candidates in score incentive treatment and promotion rate. The recruitment process also involved contacting 650 employers for in-person surveys with individuals with hiring experience in the last 6 months.
The employers participated in a 40-60 minute survey and made hiring decisions for compensation. The employers were cross-randomized into different treatment arms, including safe transport and compensation, to investigate the impact of these treatments on hiring decisions and potential gender biases in the workplace. It helped to shed light on the factors that influenced hiring decisions and potential gender biases in the workplace. It involved a comprehensive approach that considered both the applicant’s and the employer’s perspectives. The significance of the research lies in its objective to provide insights for policy and practice within work settings, with the aim of lessening gender biases and enhancing diversity and inclusivity.
Serial No: 246
Theme: Gender Rights and Violence
Research Method: Quantitative
Partner: Nina Buchmann, PhD Candidate, Stanford University
Starting Year: 2023
Study Area: Dhaka