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A massive exodus of hundreds of thousand of people from Rakhine (west Myanmar) to Cox’s Bazar (south-east Bangladesh) in August 2017, Bangladesh is facing an unprecedented magnitude and complexity of humanitarian needs. Since the onset of this massive influx into Bangladesh, the BDRCS and its partners responded to the context-based need of the FDMN population (Forcible Displaced Myanmar Nationals). Particularly focusing on WASH needs in the camps, 3 main components (providing drinkable water, ensuring adequate sanitation facilities and treatment, and bringing key hygiene messages) were implemented while integrating Protection, Gender, and Inclusion elements such as the Menstrual Hygiene Management, safety for women and children using the WASH facilities, etc. More recently (since 2020), environmental sustainability (Green Response) elements are integrated into each new WASH activity. dRi was assigned to assess the relevance, coverage, effectiveness and sustainability, of the activities, systems, management, and coordination of the PMO WASH Program responding to the Population Movement in Cox’s bazar, Bangladesh. dRi conducted the study following the qualitative data collection method and in the data collection method there were 12 FGD, 16 IDI, 19 KII, 6 Case Studies and 36 Observation.

Serial No: 248

Theme: Health and Sanitation

Research Method: Qualitative

Partner: Swedish Red Cross

Starting Year: 2023

Study Area: Camp 18