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Since August 2017, over 671,000 people fled from Myanmar to Bangladesh and the country now hosts over 900,000 Rohingya populations. More Rohingya people now live in Bangladesh than in Myanmar and thereby, the center of gravity of the Rohingya crisis has now shifted to the border region of these two countries. Over the last three years, the Government of Bangladesh, in close collaboration with the humanitarian communities is providing shelter and support to the Rohingya and around 860,000 refugees now regularly receive minimum food assistance and alternative cooking fuel along with basic health, nutrition, and immunization services. This evolving crisis and the response to this crisis has generated its own dynamics having an impact on the lives of the Rohingya and the host community living in the area and the outcome of this is the emergence of tensions among and between various population groups in Cox’s Bazar. This study will make an effort to understand how this emerging tension will affect the affected host populations and will contribute in influencing programmatic design, development, and delivery. To that end, series of public perception surveys will be conducted. The study will adopt a mixed method approach where both quantitative and qualitative method will be used. Data will be collected from five quarters or phases and 1200 interview (survey) and 12 FGDs will be conducted from each quarter.

Serial No: 8

Theme: Migration and Human Rights

Research Method: Mix-method

Partner: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Starting Year: 2020

Study Area: Cox's Bazar