The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a drastic and profound shift in routine disease prevention behaviour across the globe. Handwashing, physical distancing and isolation have been brought into place to reduce the transmission of the virus. In this light, UNICEF, C4D section has been leading a Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) programme in Cox’s Bazar in collaboration with WHO and the CwC WG. The main focus of this programme was to generate awareness and promoting actionable messages to facilitate the adoption of prevention practices among the host communities and Rohingya refugees. As part of this programme, UNICEF awarded dRi to administer a social behavior monitoring study in order to generate social behavior data which will enable a greater understanding on the changing knowledge, attitude, perceptions and practices on COVID-19 prevention, vaccination and other related services including health, nutrition education, WASH. dRi conducted the social behavior monitoring study in the 05 Upazilas of Cox’s bazar covering all the 34 Rohingya Refugee camps and also host communities within the Upazilas following a mixed method approach. The findings from this study were used for assessing the effectiveness of the programme tools, analysis the gap and also as lessons learned for further strengthening the progrmme and also to identify the important factors that drive the behavioral changes in care seeking including COVID-19 prevention and vaccination
Serial No: 214
Theme: Pandemic Crisis
Research Method: Mixed method
Partner: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Starting Year: 2021
Study Area: Cox’s Bazar