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“Suchana: Ending the Cycle of Undernutrition in Bangladesh”, is a 6 years multispectral nutrition program to prevent chronic malnutrition among children under two years ages in Sylhet and Moulivibazar districts. Under the leadership of Save of the Children this program has been catalyzing support across government and other stakeholders at sub-national and national level since 2015. Suchana is driving towards its key objective to accelerate the rate of “reducing undernutrition 6%” through its programmatic interventions. The annual survey is one of the preferred methods to generate timely and reliable evidence relating health, nutrition, food security situation among the Suchana beneficiary households. dRi was assigned by Save The Children to conduct the “Suchana Annual Survey 2021” following a Mixed method approach in the program areas.

The general objective of the fourth annual survey (2021) is to present an overall annual health, nutritional and food security situation among the Suchana Beneficiary Households (BHHs) who enrolled under different phases (e.g. phase 2, 3 & 4) in line with the selected indicators in the Suchana logical framework as well as other available national and international measurements (e.g. BDHS, HIFAS, MICS, FSNSP, FANTA etc.). Participation of all stakeholders were ensured while comprehending and documenting data. dRi conducted total 2088 surveys combining both Suchana mother child pairs and BHHs with adolescent girls. Moreover 15 FGDs and 10 IDIs were conducted to gather a wide variety of information across the large number of target respondents.

Serial No: 194

Theme: Food Security and Nutrition

Research Method: Mixed method

Partner: Save The Children

Starting Year: 2020

Study Area: Sylhet and Moulvibazar