Suchana is 6-year multispectral nutrition program under the leadership of Save of the Children which aims to prevent chronic malnutrition among children under two years ages in Sylhet and Moulivibazar districts. Driving towards its key objective to accelerate the rate of “reducing undernutrition 6%” through programmatic interventions, this program has been catalyzing support across government and other stakeholders at sub-national and national level since 2015. To turn its goals and objectives into reality, Suchana interventions are organized under five significant pillars, one of which is the generation of evidence. This pillar prioritizes the quality and timely generation of evidence collected through impact survey, annual surveys, and other assessments which is crucial for planning and redesigning strategies and implementation modalities. The annual survey is one of the preferred methods to generate timely and reliable evidence regarding health, nutrition, and food security situation among the Suchana beneficiary households to provide a better understanding to the Suchana management of the real-life malnutrition challenges with necessary adjustments throughout the program planning and implementation.
As a continuation of this evaluation process, Save the administered the 5th annual survey in the intervention areas including Sylhet and Maulovibazar. Following the mixed method approach, dRi conducted both qualitative and quantitative study on the Suchana Beneficiary Households (BHHs) who enrolled under different phases in order to assess the overall annual health, nutritional and food security situation/performance. Overall, 1556 beneficiary surveys were conducted along with 24 FGDs, 18 KIIs and 10 IDIs with relevant stakeholders.
Serial No: 224
Theme: Food Security and Nutrition
Research Method: Mixed method
Partner: Save The Children
Starting Year: 2022
Study Area: Sylhet and Moulvibazar