Suchana is a multi-sectorial 6-year programme which aims to significantly reduce stunting (additional 6% in 3 years period) amongst children under the age of two years in the Sylhet division (and here Sylhet and Moulvibazar districts) in Bangladesh. The final evaluation of the ambitious multi-sectoral Suchana programme were conducted to address the knowledge gap on the implementation of effective and scalable multi-sectoral development programmes that combine nutrition specific and sensitive approaches to tackle child stunting. IDS awarded dRi to implement the final evaluation of Suchana following a mixed method approach (using an RCT approach).
As part of the empirical data collection, a cross-sectional quantitative household (HH) survey of Suchana beneficiary was conducted across all 4 cohorts that captured the logframe. Cohort 1 and 4 included anthropometric measurements for young children to allow comparison back to the previous impact evaluations while food security, gender norms, behavioral and livelihood variables were measured across all 4 cohorts. In the primary qualitative data collection process, 14 FDGs with beneficiaries, 18 KIIs and 12 IDIs with key actors and stakeholders of the Suchana programme on all levels (community, district and national level) and two selected qualitative case studies were conducted.
Serial No: 238
Theme: Food Security and Nutrition
Research Method: Mixed
Partner: Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Save the Children
Starting Year: 2022
Study Area: Sylhet and Moulvibazar districts