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COVID-19 pandemic has a very adverse impact on the economy of Bangladesh and to mitigate the negative impact, Government of Bangladesh has introduced different recovery policies and interventions. To support the small businesses during this crisis situation, stimulus packages have been provided by the Government on various scale.  With a view to identify the effectiveness of these stimulus packages in the recovery of affected sectors, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD undertook a study in 16 districts of 8 divisions. For this study dRi was assigned to collect primary data through field survey and Key informant interviews (KII). To conduct the field survey, overall, 900 firms were selected randomly from the partnered organizations of three sectors such as light engineering, dairy and poultry and small businesses. Besides the primary survey 100 KII were conducted including 80 KIIs with bank officials and 48 KIIs with various business associations.

Serial No: 203

Theme: Governance and Legal Issues

Research Method: Mixed method

Partner: Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD)

Starting Year: 2021

Study Area: 16 District