The Economic Empowerment and Vulnerable Women in Bangladesh (EEP), Narayanganj Program of BRAC, targeted to mobilize poor, vulnerable women in resource constrained locations in Narayanganj, enabling them to access public/civil society provided economic and social resources and information, cooperate with their community to fill gaps of state intervention, take part in the local power structures and become aware of their civil rights and prevent violence against women. The objective of this research was to explore to what extent the EEP Program has become effective to ensure women’s economic empowerment at the grassroots level, understand the knowledge and perceptions of the service providers of the Local Government Institutions, Financial Institutions and Narayanganj City Corporation about promoting women’s economic and social empowerment, analyze the determinants of gender sensitive environment to measure whether income generation activities are women friendly or not, compare between the EEP training and the implementation of the IGA training at the field level, look into various programmatic, village and household level characteristics associated with the changes in the key outcomes among the beneficiary households who has become economically empowered, understand the prevailing role of local vendors to know how backward and forward linkages have been functioning in this program, undertake stakeholders’ analysis for realizing the stakeholder’s influence to strengthen advocacy and better knowledge management for women’s improved economic participation and assess the overall impacts of the EEP Program. The research was carried out by following qualitative research methodology.
Serial No: 110
Theme: Gender Rights and Violence
Research Method: Qualitative
Partner: BRAC
Starting Year: 2016
Study Area: Narayanganj