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ASER BIGD School Survey

dRi conducted data collection for the study titled ASER BIGD School Survey for BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD) administering Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) questionnaire. With schools and colleges closed for an extended period due to the...

Online Consumer Behavior Research

There is no substitute of reading in order to increase the knowledge of children about their surroundings as well as to improve their critical thinking, literacy and numeracy outcomes. In order to habituate children will reading it is very crucial to develop books in...

End Line Evaluation of Duronto: Education for Children Project

Spreeha Bangladesh Foundation has undertaken a project for the children of Rayerbazar Urban Slum titled “Duronto: Education for Children”. Funded by the Give2Asia, Spreeha is implementing the project to ensure the early childhood care for preschoolers, develop soft...

The Primary Education Development Program

This research project had four different objectives. Among the four objectives the first one is to develop an understanding regarding the causes and consequences of non-enrollment and school drop-out through categorizing the out-of-school children (aged up to 16...