The study, titled “Establishing Health Surveillance System in the Saline- and Drought-Prone Areas in Bangladesh,” was conducted to evaluate the health impacts of climate change in vulnerable regions. Funded by the BRAC Health Programme, it focused on the Southern coastal areas prone to salinity intrusion and the drought-prone Barind region. The research aimed to identify health outcomes affected by climate stressors such as heatwaves and salinity, evaluate existing adaptation strategies, and provide recommendations to mitigate associated risks.
dRi implemented the study, collecting data through interviews and physical assessments in Satkhira and Naogaon. Two categories of indicators were examined during the study. Health indicators included measurements such as temperature, pulse, edema, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, random blood sugar levels, height, and weight. For children under five years of age, anthropometric assessments like Weight-for-Age (WAZ), Weight-for-Height (WHZ), and Height-for-Age (HAZ) were conducted. Additionally, environmental indicators were analyzed, covering factors such as outdoor temperature, heating and cooling degree days, rainfall from precipitation events, humidity, pH, water temperature, electrical conductivity, specific gravity, total dissolved solids, salt levels, arsenic levels, ambient air temperature (indoor), indoor air pollution, and outdoor air pollution. The study’s findings aimed to enhance resilience and strengthen health responses in these regions by deepening the understanding of how environmental changes influence health outcomes.
Serial No: 280
Theme: Environmental and Climate Issues
Research Method: Quantitative
Partner: BRAC University, (BRAC JPGSpH) and BRAC
Starting Year: 2024
Study Area: Niamatpur of Naogaon and Shyamnagar of Satkhira