On August 25, 2017, approximately 700,000 Rohingya fled Myanmar to seek refuge in Bangladesh. The crisis has deepened, with 18.6 million people requiring humanitarian assistance, including 6 million children. Challenges such as reduced food rations, limited education access, poor health services, and statelessness persist, leaving many Rohingya children vulnerable to exploitation and trafficking. Caritas Bangladesh (CB), in collaboration with Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), implemented an Emergency Response Program (ERP) focused on mental health, psychosocial support (MHPSS), child protection, peacebuilding, and vocational training through Multi-Child Activity Centers (MCACs) in Camps 4 and 20 Extension. These efforts aimed to foster resilience and improve the well-being of refugees and host communities. dRi conducted an external evaluation of this project phase, assessing its performance, impact, and alignment with humanitarian standards. The evaluation included six FGDs, seven IDIs, 20 KIIs, three case documentations, three observations, and 351 surveys, generating critical insights to inform future programming and strategies.
Serial No: 279
Theme: Migration and Human Rights
Research Method: Mixed Method
Partner: Caritas Bangladesh
Starting Year: 2024
Study Area: Target project intervention areas of Camp 4, (Block D and F) and Camp 20 Extension (Block S4, B4 and B6)