by openjanala | Jun 30, 2021
International migrant workers are some of the hardest-hit groups by the pandemic. Most are now living in financial hardship abroad and unable to send remittances, while others are being forced to return home. To understand the economic impacts of COVID-19 on...
by openjanala | Jun 30, 2021
The study was undertaken by BIGD in partnership with IDS on Covid Collectives. The objective of the project was to conduct a qualitative survey to assess relief governance in Bangladesh during Covid-19 outbreak. In this project dRi conducted the field works including...
by dri-admin | Feb 22, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has an indirect effect on essential health and nutrition services (EHNS) in Bangladesh, in terms of provision, coverage, utilization and care-seeking behavior; particularly for reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health...
by dri-admin | Feb 22, 2021
In order to have a deeper understanding of COVID-19-induced vulnerabilities and risks, adjustments and opportunities, and efficacy of delivery of government policies from the perspective of employment scenario and government support measures, CPD undertook 2 studies...
by dri-admin | Feb 22, 2021